Website Localization


In recent few years internet users have increased especially in the middle eastern region, many business owners found that they must adapt with the change and they started to build websites to market and sell their products and services.


Website localization is not just about translation of text from language to another (even we can provide just translation if our client needs translation only), it is a process with multi phases to ensure that the website is fully localized and it is easy to use for the target audience.


Localization from websites built for LTR languages to RTL languages is even more complicated than normal localization process, because of special nurture of RTL languages, sometimes websites will be rebuilt to be applicable to RTL languages that include text format, CSS, etc..


Prime localize will ease this process by analyzing and planning for your website localization, Prime localize team has long experience in indenting websites localization issues and find out of the box solutions to them.



Prime Localize

Address: 6B El Shaa’rawy Street,  Second District, El Obour City, Cairo, Egypt


Need additional assistance?

Please contact us:



We are open Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
